Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Afazal MUST be hanged

It is definately sad day for India. 5 years have passed since the attack on parliament and the main accused is being used for politacal mielage. Look at the IA IC-184 highjack. India submitted against the highjackers and Masood Azahar was released. He later became the the leader of new wave of terrirism in Kashmir. It would have been better not nogotiating with them at all even at the enpense of all pessenger. Masood reunited the scattered attacked again India Army. Recent Mumbai Serail Bomb blast was brain child of Masood. To save few life India is paying such a high price. and now execution of Afazal is stopped. I infact don't know why. His date of hanging (20th Nov) is well passed. He should be hanged. Including a TV reporter there were 10 personals slained in the attack. Today they submitted a momerandum saying "A pardon means making a mockery of the brave soldiers and civilians who laid down their precious lives while performing their duty for the nation. Hence we have decided to return the medals to the government given to our near and dear ones, which now seem to us like humiliation piled on us". Farookh Abdulla should be hanged too.


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